Friday, December 27, 2013

Kidney pain - factors treatments and prevention

Unknown  /  at  7:47 AM  / 

Kidney pain, kidney injury or infection occurs normally .
Kidney pain is usually dull one sided pain , and urinary symptoms or fever may , it is true that kidney pain may be felt at the upper back .

Kidney stone on the way to the
ureter through the bladder starts to move when the time is too painful kidney stones . Vomiting , swelling of the legs and very little urine formation in urine color changes , are the main symptoms of kidney pain . Some medical treatments are available to relieve kidney pain .

What is kidney pain ?

Kidney pain is usually some type of injury or infection in the kidney is sent to the aircraft . Kidney infection or fully completed form are found defective , serious kidney pain is felt . On the other hand, renal colic has a close relationship with back pain , even though they may have different cases . Back pain symptoms due to kidney infection and may cause to the contrary . One of the major functions of the kidneys in the form of urine and blood filters are excreting waste products .

Where do you feel kidney pain ?

Kidney pain normally on the left side or the right side of the body or between the ribs and lower back side of the felt . Time may dull kidney pain , piercing pain , fast and will stop at most and sometimes . Kidney pain lower back pain at some time felt like . However, lower back pain, kidney pain, is there a way to distinguish . Lower back pain will get better when you apply heat therapy , and will worsen with movement and exercise . But kidney pain will not get better with heat therapy . You apply this technique can identify kidney pain .

Where kidney pain hurt?

In the area between the lower ribs and hips in one of the two sides .
Depth in the upper abdomen on the right , left or both sides .
Kidney stone in the ureter , which lodge pain groin , inner thighs
and genitalia may exude from the side .

Kidney pain do you think?
Details about kidney pain :

Acute or sudden pain.
Persistent or chronic pain.
Mild or severe pain.
Acute , mild pain.
5 . Cramping or colicky .
6 . Kidney pain is always there , often .

Risk factors for kidney pain

Cause kidney or kidney pain , swelling or inflammation of the kidney infection or inflammation of the kidneys and may cause injury . Settling beside kidney pain or lower back , just below the ribs and can extend even to the testicles . Muscle tension , pain caused by arthritis and spinal problems, kidney problems for some may mistake . Kidney stones and kidney infections are one of the leading causes of kidney pain .

Generally kidney infection , urinary infection during urination , bloody urine , frequent urination , nausea , fever , with symptoms including burning . On the other hand, the kidney stone pain tends to come and go are . But conditions like polycystic kidney disease , kidney cancer, uterine growth and develop normally without any pain .

Kidney pain hurts ?
Either chronic or acute renal failure by itself normally painful. Severe kidney pain, kidney infection or inflammation of the kidneys due to causes such as kidney failure . Fatigue , or decreased urination , unintentional weight loss , nausea , increased shortness of breath , swollen ankles and hands and itchy skin and yellow are the main symptoms of kidney failure . Acute kidney failure can cause pain in the flanks .

Types of Kidney pain
There are different types of kidney pain :

Sudden kidney pain.
Throbbing pain kidney .
Dull kidney pain.
Flanks both bilateral kidney pain or pain.

Posted in: Posted on: Friday, December 27, 2013

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