Saturday, November 2, 2013

heart beat ..

Unknown  /  at  8:25 PM  / 

When you retire you are already in your heart beats faster and slower when you know that exercise .
But how fast and how slow to hit it ?

The main objectives of aerobic exercise,
you breathe faster and your heart will beat faster .....
To get the most benefit of the air exercise ,
your heart is not a limit in the absence of more specific and very low to the ground .

To ensure that happens , you need to know three numbers :
Resting heart rate (RHR)
Maximum heart rate (mhr)
Target heart rate (thr)

First , count the number of times your heart beats in a minute to determine your RHR .
Your heart rate , or pulse can be felt , on the surface of your skin is nowhere near an artery .
Two of the best places in your jaw line ( carotid artery ), the thumb side ( radial artery ), one of the inside of the wrist down on either side of your neck .

How to measure your RHR is here :

1 STEP. Relax . Before you get out of bed in the morning is the best time to measure your RHR .
2 STEP. In some arteries in your neck or wrist and middle finger press your code .
( Do not use your pulse rate to measure your thumb by accident ,
because you might think that its hard to beat that pulses with your thumb in the artery . )
3 STEP. The number of pulses you feel in 10 seconds .
Therefore , and - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 start your female 0 .
4 STEP. 6 If you multiply the number of pulses in 10 seconds .
( For example , 12 gram x 6 = 72 beats per minute , or BPM of the RHR.)

That will increase your aerobic fitness , your RHR will go down . Aerobic fitness level measured at the beginning and at this time to list your progress .

Secondly , using this formula , your maximum heart rate , or calculate mhr : 220 - your age = mhr

For example : If you are age 14 , your mhr 206 beats per minute ( 220 - 14 = 206 ppm ) will be .

Third , now that you know your RHR and mhr , your target heart rate , or thr can be calculated .
A more " serious " and less " serious " thr is .
Exercise is very good for your heart and lungs in the air between them , in which the system is available .
Your thr zone is generally 60 to 85 %% of your mhr becomes .
The following formula to calculate your upper and lower thr (Karvonen method )
to be used : ((mhr - RHR) x % intensity ) + RHR = thr

For example : If your mhr 206 ppm and your RHR 72 ppm ,
your upper and lower thr you want to calculate the following :
Low density (60%): ((206 - 72) x 0.60) + 72 = 152 ppm
High density (85%): ((206 - 72) x 0.85) + 72 = 186 ppm
186 ppm 152 ppm This means that your thr zone .
You have to stay within 60 % to 85 % of your exercise intensity exercise
and the right time to take your pulse .

You first aerobic exercise , your thr zone area is very low ( 60 % ) during the start .
Slowly build up your thr major portion zone .
After six or more months of regular exercise ,
you will be able to exercise comfortably in intensity more than 85 % . However ,
you must be in the form of exercise that is hard to remember that ...

Posted in: Posted on: Saturday, November 2, 2013

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