Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Why You Feel Sorry for Yourself ..

Unknown  /  at  7:38 PM  / 

Kindness , from Old French pite ,
" mercy , " There is a sense of sadness, sorrow , and misfortune occurs .
Kindness is too sad and disappointed .
You can be self-pity or you can take pity on others .
Even though they do not have a lot of fun , can be a pity party ....

Everyone gets sad from time to time . It's okay .
When you feel sorry for yourself on a regular basis so it is not good , but in other words ,
every time you do something does not go your way . What we have here .

Varsity volleyball team in the competition for a place to tell you that ,
and you should not do it . You are disappointed and sorry about what happened .
Disappointment , sorrow , nature , there are healthy responses .
Work through the feelings you feel and how you have to accept the fact that the team did not choose .

But , do not confuse feelings of self- pity and healthy .
When they go over your disappointment and sorrow of self-pity ,
you are the coach and the team 's players , and start making excuses for why you did not do it . ,
The location of wallowing, clinging to sorrow and disappointment - you will find others to blame for the situation in which the role of a victim .

It feels self-pity . What 's wrong with it , in fact, escape ,
failure to rationalize why you are making excuses . In your head, your personal
responsibility scapegoat that allows you to play your version above .
Wrapped up in self-pity and gave people confidence that they made ​​a mistake,
everyone should feel sorry for them .

Sliding down a slippery slope to avoid self-pity try these things .

Safe . You disappointment , sadness, and when crossing the line between self-pity .

Made a deal . Behaviors related to indulge self-pity .
Who should take responsibility for who you are .

Improve yourself . To new goals . Try new things . You do not want to self-pity bench .
Success . To do things you can accomplish . Be busy . Stagnate .

Posted in: Posted on: Wednesday, October 23, 2013

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